No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, even down to the tenth generation. 私生子不可入耶和华的会。他的子孙,直到十代,也不可入耶和华的会。
So why even play with date-based VXML generation? 那么我们为什么要介绍这种基于日期的VXML生成呢?
But he felt that France was stratified and would offer little opportunity to a penniless Eastern European refugee, or even to his children a generation later, so he set out for the United States. 然而他认为法国的阶级过于分明,对一文不名的东欧难民来说很难有机会,甚至他的孩子那一辈也不行,所以他就去了美国。
But even for the younger generation, falling consumer prices are cushioning the blow of lower wages. 但即便是对年轻一代来说,消费物价的下降也减弱了工资水平下降的冲击。
But in the daily equipment use process, often repairs the principle, but maintains lightly, even is "repairs the generation to raise". 但在日常的设备使用过程中,往往是重修理而轻保养,甚至是“以修代养”。
Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. 甚至现代的人每天也会面对这种进退两难的事情。
It is the moral qualities of its leading personalities that are perhaps of even greater significance for a generation and for the course of history than purely intellectual accomplishments. 对于一个时代和整个所具有高尚品德也许比他们纯智力上的成就更具有重大的意义。
A report from the Work Foundation published last week argues that looking for meaning at work would have seemed outlandish even a generation ago. WorkFoundation上周发表的一份报告称,即便是一代人之前,追寻工作的意义也显得比较古怪。
That is to say, the United States is a fertile soil, can be suitable for various or do or right, even the far-right political inclination centre-left generation and grow. 也就是说,美国是一片肥沃的土壤,可以适合各种或做或右,甚至极左极右政治倾向的产生与壮大。
Some Japanese may indeed think that, even those of the younger generation, whse members make up the majority of audiences. 一些日本人可能的确会这样想,甚至包括年轻的一代,他们是电影的主要消费群体。
Even those companiesthat are focusing on Generation Y are failing to deliver the right products, the survey found. 调查发现,即使那些将重点放在y一代身上的资产管理公司,也未能提供正确的产品。
These numbers are likely to be even more impressive for second generation asian-americans, though some studies indicate that the Confucian ethic of "success through effort" does dim a bit with time in america. 对第二代亚裔美国人来说,人均收入数字可能更为可观。不过某些研究表明:随着在美时间的推移,“勤必有成”这类儒家的道德观念确实有些淡漠。
You should do a bit more research mate, even first generation production electric cars like the Nissan Leaf can do100 miles per charge. 你应该多做一些调查,例如第一代电动车尼桑(日产汽车名)跑100米的平均花费。
It was hard to tell which of us was more baffled by the other. If Mr Holmes is even slightly representative of his generation, this is a mighty shift. 很难说我们两个谁的观点更令对方迷惑不解。如果说霍姆斯多少代表了他这一代人的特点,这说明人们的观点发生了重大变化。
Or shall we let high school keep rolling along, as it has from year to year even generation to generation? 或者,美国应该让高中像以往那样年复一年,甚至一代又一代地办下去?
Even Harmonic and Semi-Integer Harmonic Generation 偶次和半整数次谐波的产生
From 1949 to 1980, the system of family origins, by which ones social status was determined, overwhelmed in our rural areas and influenced the two generations since 1949, even the generation after them. 家庭成份制在解放后成为我国农村划分社会成员的主要标准,深刻地影响了我国解放后农村中的两代人,第三代人身上也有其烙印。
Multi-antenna systems will be the most important technology in 3rd generation, even in the future 4th generation, of mobile communications. 多天线系统是第三代甚至未来的第四代无线移动通信中极具前途的一种技术。
Many enterprises already have the second or even third generation of production planning and control ( PPC) system. 许多企业已经拥有第二代、甚至是第三代的生产计划与控制系统。
The alarm format of different subsystems are not unified, from the alarm text, alarm level, alarm code to alarm point code, even the alarm generation and restore rules. 各个子系统的告警数据格式并不统一,从告警文本,告警级别,告警代码到告警点码,甚至告警产生与恢复规则,都千差万别。
Preliminary experiments have been proved that these factors affect the size and stability of beam seriously, even lead to no generation of beam of the ECR ion source. 初步实验已证明这些因素严重影响了ECR离子源束流的大小和稳定,甚至导致无束流现象。
National Image is usually intensified and wavered or even transformed in the generation and solution of crisis. Thirdly, the paper carries further study upon the formation, construction and transformation of National Image. 第三,本文进一步对国家形象的形成、建构和转换进行了分析。
Since 1993, GPU performance to an annual growth rate of 2.8 times, basically every six months even the new generation. 从1993年开始,GPU的性能以每年2.8倍的速度增长,基本上每半年就更新一代。
The reason that "Zhuang-zi" is subject to the people in the Warring States and even the later generation to like, the very big reason lay in "Zhuang-zi" has created many extensive treacherous strange fables. 《庄子》一书之所以在战国乃至后世备受人们喜爱,很大原因在于《庄子》一书创造了许多恢诡谲怪的寓言。
The wide spread of the western ideas, culture, values, let the Chinese audience gradually accept, love, even thought of the younger generation values changed. 这种西方思想、文化、价值观的广泛传播,让中国受众逐渐接受、喜爱甚至追捧,年轻一代的思想价值观发生了改变。
Heavy Metal is a great hazard of pollutants, it can not be degraded in vivo long-term accumulation, the content can be shown minimal toxicity great. Once it accumulate in human body through the food chain, it cause various diseases, even affect the next generation. 重金属是一种危害巨大的污染物,它不能降解,能长期在生物体内积累,含量极微即可表现出极大的毒性。
Currently, the IPTV multicast system faces many technical problems, and this is the main reason why it do not have a widely use even in the next generation of Internet. 但是组播方式的IPTV系统面临着许多技术问题,这正是即使在下一代互联网上IP组播仍然无法大范围应用的主要原因。